Rey’s Training

Rey’s training is a central theme in the sequel trilogy of the Star Wars saga, specifically in “Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi” and “Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker.” Her journey of self-discovery, her mastery of the Force, and her struggle to find her place in the galaxy are crucial to the overarching narrative. Rey’s training involves key moments with Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, and it is pivotal in her transformation into a Jedi.

The Last Jedi

Arrival on Ahch-To: Rey travels to the remote planet Ahch-To, the site of the first Jedi Temple, in search of Luke Skywalker. She hopes to enlist his help in the fight against the First Order and to learn the ways of the Force.

Initial Rejection: Initially, Luke is reluctant to train Rey. He is disillusioned with the Jedi Order, blaming himself for the rise of Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) and the fall of his Jedi students. Luke believes the Jedi should end, considering them a failed legacy.

Rey’s Persistence: Rey’s determination and persistence eventually wear down Luke’s resistance. She demonstrates a strong connection to the Force, prompting Luke to give her a basic introduction to Jedi training. He agrees to teach her three lessons.

The Three Lessons:

  1. Lesson One: Luke explains the nature of the Force, emphasizing that it is not exclusive to the Jedi but a balance that exists between all living things. Rey’s intuitive understanding and raw power surprise Luke, but he warns her about the dangers of the dark side.
  2. Lesson Two: Luke takes Rey to a sacred island where she is tested by the Force. She is drawn to a dark side cave that offers her a vision. Luke is disturbed by her willingness to approach the dark side and hesitates to train her further.
  3. Lesson Three: (Uncompleted in the film) This lesson involves the legacy of the Jedi and their failures. Luke’s disillusionment with the Jedi Order and his belief that they should end prevent him from completing this lesson with Rey.

The Dark Side Cave: Rey experiences a vision in the dark side cave, seeking answers about her parents. The cave shows her a multitude of reflections, ultimately revealing nothing concrete about her lineage. This vision frustrates and confuses her, intensifying her inner conflict.

Connection with Kylo Ren: Throughout her time on Ahch-To, Rey experiences Force connections with Kylo Ren. These interactions allow them to communicate across vast distances. Rey believes she can redeem Kylo Ren and bring him back to the light, a belief that leads her to confront him directly.

Leaving Ahch-To: Rey decides to leave Ahch-To and confront Kylo Ren, believing she can turn him back to Ben Solo. Luke, initially refusing to join her, later reconnects with the Force and decides to face his past.

The Rise of Skywalker

Training Under Leia: Following Luke’s death, Rey continues her training under the guidance of Leia Organa. Leia, also strong in the Force, becomes Rey’s mentor and offers her wisdom and support.

Physical and Mental Challenges: Rey’s training intensifies as she faces various physical and mental challenges. She trains rigorously in combat, agility, and mindfulness, honing her connection to the Force. Her training scenes show her running through obstacle courses, practicing with her lightsaber, and meditating.

Discovering Her Lineage: Rey learns about her true lineage—that she is the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine. This revelation shakes her to the core, causing her to question her identity and destiny. Leia helps Rey confront this truth and encourages her to embrace the light despite her heritage.

Guidance from Luke: Rey returns to Ahch-To at a moment of crisis, intending to exile herself as Luke once did. Luke’s Force ghost appears to her, offering guidance and encouragement. He reassures Rey that her lineage does not define her and that she has the power to choose her path. He presents her with Leia’s lightsaber, symbolizing her continued training and the legacy of the Jedi.

Final Confrontation: Rey faces Emperor Palpatine on Exegol, drawing upon the strength and wisdom gained from her training. With the support of the spirits of past Jedi and the strength of the Resistance, Rey ultimately defeats Palpatine, bringing balance to the Force.

Significance and Impact

Personal Growth: Rey’s training represents her journey of self-discovery and growth. She evolves from a scavenger with latent Force abilities into a confident and powerful Jedi. Her struggles and triumphs embody the core themes of resilience and self-belief.

Legacy of the Jedi: Rey’s training under both Luke and Leia symbolizes the passing of the torch from the original heroes to the new generation. She carries forward the legacy of the Jedi, embodying their principles while forging her own path.

Balance and Redemption: Rey’s journey emphasizes the balance between light and dark and the possibility of redemption. Her belief in Kylo Ren’s potential for redemption and her ultimate victory over Palpatine highlight these themes.

Unity and Hope: Rey’s training and her role in the final battle against Palpatine underscore the importance of unity and hope. Her ability to inspire others and bring together the scattered remnants of the Resistance is crucial to their victory.

Rey’s training is a central arc in the sequel trilogy, showcasing her transformation into a Jedi and her pivotal role in the fight against the dark side. Her journey is marked by personal challenges, significant mentorship, and the enduring struggle between good and evil, solidifying her place as a key figure in the Star Wars saga.





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